This is a quiet high-flow exhaust for a Miata.
The instructions say the warranty is void unless installed
on a 1991-1993 Miata.
Seems pretty heavy; weight is about 28 lb.
The tip is too short, producing a black spot on your rear
bumper that is hard to get clean. I think the soot gets
in the wax. I thought the sound was pretty boring. Eventually
I gave the thing away.
$499.95 from Performance SPAMMERs Club,
including a hole for the ODB II sensor.
Performance SPAMMERs club is constantly harvesting the
internet for E-mail addresses that they can send big binary
advertisements to (SPAMMING). This of course is a major nuisance.
They SPAMMED my personal address since they had it from my orders.
They also "found" the address of our local Miata club and SPAMMED
that. When called on it, they falsely accused one of the officers
of making the address available for commercial E-mail. They withdrew
that lie subsequently. I do not recommend doing business
with them.