Tuesday, 07/09/02

Looking at a temperature map, I saw that the southeast is actually one of the coolest regions in this heat wave. So, hoping it will last, I changed plans and detoured in the southern direction. Towards New Orleans, to be sure.

I followed US 166 to a brief stretch on I 44, and from there I went scenic MO 37 (good) down to US 62 E (very, very good), taking the old Route 62 loop in Eureka Springs. Hey, if I did it with Route 66 I can do it with 62. Anyway, it was a fun detour. Then down AK 21 to Clarksville, where I shifted to AK 7 using, I think, road 262. Most of it very scenic curvy roads through the Ozarks. The lack of pictures reflects the lack of places to stop next to the road without an SUV and the danger of stopping on the road with almost no visibility due to the curves and vegitation. Yes, I am out of the desert most surely. I stopped in Russellville.

Pictures (click for larger size):
