Sunday, 07/17/05 | Driving the Maine Coast |
I dropped down I 95 a bit more and then took ME 6 to the border to get my remaining Canadian money exchanged in US dollars. ME 6 is listed as scenic and was fine, save for some sporadic ridiculous speed limits. However, there was no exchange, at least not at the US side of the border, and I was not going to do two border crossings to look at the other side.
Then down coastal US 1. I found an exchange at Calais, so that was resolved. The $20 I forgot to exchange will be used next time I go to Canada.
US 1 had some pieces with great scenery, and also a car wash. Bozo was coated with insects, so he needed one. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to take my Dimage XT digital camera out of my shirt pocket, so it ended up dropping on the wet concrete floor when I bend over. Initially, it seemed it was completely destroyed. However, after drying out, it appears that the only thing that is no longer working is the screen that protects the lens when the camera is off. I was initially planning to buy some replacement at a Wal-Mart for the rest of the trip, but now I guess I will try to continue with the camera I have.
Due to a lack of quality control, my beer reserves ended up including six amber October Fest beers. They are now down the sink and I have new six packs of Bass and Samual Adams' summer ale instead.
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