D.10 The curl is Her­mit­ian

For later ref­er­ence, it will be shown that the curl op­er­a­tor, $\nabla\times$ is Her­mit­ian. In other words,

\int_{\rm all} \skew3\vec A^*\cdot\nabla\times \vec B {\rm ...
...\nabla\times\skew3\vec A^*\cdot \vec B {\rm d}^3{\skew0\vec r}

The rules of en­gage­ment are as fol­lows:

In in­dex no­ta­tion, the in­te­gral in the left hand side above reads:

\sum_i \int A_i^* (B_{{\overline{\overline{\imath}}},{\over...
...th}}}-B_{{\overline{\imath}},{\overline{\overline{\imath}}}} )

which is the same as

\sum_i \int [ (A_i^* B_{\overline{\overline{\imath}}})_{\ov...
... A_{i,{\overline{\overline{\imath}}}}^* B_{\overline{\imath}}]

as can be checked by dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing out the first two terms. Now the third and fourth terms in the in­te­gral are $\nabla$ $\times$ $\skew3\vec A^*\cdot\vec{B}$, as you can see from mov­ing all in­dices in the third term one unit for­ward in the cyclic se­quence, and those in the fourth term one unit back. (Such a shift does not change the sum; the same terms are sim­ply added in a dif­fer­ent or­der.)

So, if the in­te­gral of the first two terms is zero, the fact that curl is Her­mit­ian has been ver­i­fied. Note that the terms can be in­te­grated. Then, if the sys­tem is in a pe­ri­odic box, the in­te­gral is in­deed zero be­cause the up­per and lower lim­its of in­te­gra­tion are equal. An in­fi­nite do­main will need to be trun­cated at some large dis­tance $R$ from the ori­gin. Then shift in­dices and ap­ply the di­ver­gence the­o­rem to get

- \int_S (\skew3\vec A^* \times \vec B)\cdot {\hat\imath}_r {\,\rm d}S

where $S$ is the sur­face of the sphere $r$ $\vphantom0\raisebox{1.5pt}{$=$}$ $R$ and ${\hat\imath}_r$ the unit vec­tor nor­mal to the sphere sur­face. It fol­lows that the in­te­gral is zero if $\skew3\vec A$ and $\vec{B}$ go to zero at in­fin­ity quickly enough. Or at least their cross prod­uct has to go to zero quickly enough.