Quantum Mechanics for Engineers |
© Leon van Dommelen |
12.10 Pauli spin matrices
This subsection returns to the simple two-rung spin ladder (doublet)
of an electron, or any other spin
particle for that
matter, and tries to tease out some more information about the spin.
While the analysis so far has made statements about the angular
momentum in the arbitrarily chosen
-direction, you often also need
information about the spin in the corresponding
directions. This subsection will find it.
But before getting at it, a matter of notations. It is customary to
indicate angular momentum that is due to spin by a capital
Similarly, the azimuthal quantum number of spin is indicated by
. This subsection will follow this convention.
Now, suppose you know that the particle is in the
state with
momentum in a chosen
direction; in other words that it is in the
, or
, state. You want the effect of the
operators on this state. In the absence of a
physical model for the motion that gives rise to the spin, this may
seem like a hard question indeed. But again the faithful ladder
clamber up and down to your rescue!
Assuming that the normalization factor of the
state is
chosen in terms of the one of the
state consistent with the
ladder relations (12.9) and (12.10), you have:
By adding or subtracting the two equations, you find the effects of
on the spin-up state:
It works the same way for the spin-down state
You now know the effect of the
angular momentum operators
on the
-direction spin states. Chalk one up for the ladder
Next, assume that you have some spin state that is an arbitrary
combination of spin-up and spin-down:
Then, according to the expressions above, application of the
spin operator
will turn it into:
while the operator
turns it into
And of course, since
are the eigenstates of
If you put the coefficients in the formula above, except for the
common factor
, in little 2
2 tables,
you get the so-called Pauli spin matrices
(12.15) |
where the convention is that
multiplies the first column of the
matrices and
the second. Also, the top rows in the matrices
produce the spin-up part of the result and the bottom rows the spin
down part. In linear algebra, you also put the coefficients
together in a vector:
You can now go further and find the eigenstates of the
operators in terms of the
of the
operator. You
can use the techniques of linear algebra, or you can guess. For
example, if you guess
1 is an eigenstate of
with eigenvalue
, call it a
, state. To normalize the state, you still
need to divide by
Similarly, you can guess the other eigenstates, and come up with:
(12.16) |
Note that the square magnitudes of the coefficients of the states are
all one half, giving a 50/50 chance of finding the
-momentum up or
down. Since the choice of the axis system is arbitrary, this can be
generalized to mean that if the spin in a given direction has an
definite value, then there will be a 50/50 chance of the spin in any
orthogonal direction turning out to be
You might wonder about the choice of normalization factors in the spin
states (12.16). For example, why not leave out the common
in the
, (negative
spin, or
spin-left), state? The reason is to ensure that the
-direction ladder operator
and the
-direction one
, as obtained by
cyclic permutation of the ones for
, produce real, positive
multiplication factors. This allows relations valid in the
-direction (like the expressions for triplet and singlet
states) to also apply in the
directions. In addition,
with this choice, if you do a simple change in the labeling of the
axes, from
, the form of the Pauli spin
matrices remains unchanged. The
states of
-, respectively
-momentum were chosen a
different way: if you rotate the axis system 90
axis, these are the spin-up states along the new
-axis, the
-axis or
-axis in the system you
are looking at now, {D.68}.